Offering Support to the HawkCount Migration Monitoring Network
Currently, many hawk watch sites across North America are struggling to find funding to sustain their counts. This is why HMA has created the Hawk Watch Fund to offer support to the hawk-watching community. The purpose of this Fund is to provide grants to assist watch sites looking for help, whether it’s educational materials and displays, construction and maintenance of viewing platforms, hiring hawk watchers, or purchase of equipment. These grants will be made through a competitive application process and judged annually by a committee appointed by HMA.
Program Goals and Objectives
Founded in 1974, HMA’s mission is “To advance scientific knowledge and promote conservation of raptor populations through study and appreciation of raptor migration.” HMA provides services to the hawk-watching community via HawkCount, its online hawk-watch information system and data archive, and the Raptor Population Index Program. In 2011, Hawk Watch Fund sought to support HMA’s mission by providing grants to help support independent hawk watches in the Americas.
The Hawk Watch Fund Grants Program is intended to provide grants of up to $1000 to non-profit hawk watch groups for volunteer-based projects that promote the overall goals and objectives of the Hawk Migration Association by supporting the operation of a hawk watch. The number and size of grants will depend on the amount of money available in the Fund each year and the suitability of application.
Funding for Hawk Watch Fund
Funding comes from proceeds of HMA’s annual spring Raptorthon and direct donations to the Fund. The more people who take part and raise money in Raptorthon, the more money will be available in Hawk Watch Fund to go to the sites in grants. Additionally, anyone can donate to the Hawk Watch Fund by going to HMA’s Support Page. Be sure to select Hawk Watch Fund from the list.
Application and Evaluation Process
Applications will be evaluated by a committee of hawk watchers and raptor experts appointed by the HMA Board. Members of the committee and their closely related organizations are not eligible to apply for or receive grants. Decisions made by the committee shall be solely theirs and shall be final.
Applications may be submitted between December 1, 2024 – March 1, 2025. Applications received after the March 1 deadline will not be considered.
Grants will be announced, and applicants informed on April 1, 2025.
Please read the guidelines before completing an application.
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